Learn Basic & Advance Aromatherapy
By a qualified PhD in Aromatherapy
The course teaches the prospective student to have an understanding of the use of essential oils and to gain knowledge of application in aromatherapy massage techniques incorporating manual lymphatic drainage. The aim of our training is to provide the highest possible level of knowledge and expertise in the field of aromatherapy to facilitate the understanding of the finer points of the practical application of aromatherapy to its greatest therapeutic effectiveness along with possible contraindications and cautions. In short, it assists the individual to gain a truly holistic understanding.
Our course includes details of the Basic Aromatherapy course and the Advanced Aromatherapy course both combined into one comprehensive course for the benefit of the students as they can cover the entire syllabus in one course rather than attending the Basic and Advanced Aromatherapy courses separately.
This five-day comprehensive work covers all aspects of Aromatherapy including blending of oils (200 types) Advanced Aroma Facials, Reflexology, Body Massage etc.
Definition of Aromatherapy – Aims of Aromatherapy – Properties of Essential Oils – Therapeutic qualities of Essential Oils – Method of Extraction of Aromatherapy Oils – Carrier Oils and Lotions – Blending of Oils (200 types) for various treatments and ailments like Hair-fall, Dandruff, Cellulite, Pigmentation, Stress, Tensions, Oils for Relaxing and Up-lifting, Gels for Dark Circles under the Eyes, Sensitive Skin etc. Different ways of using Essential Oils – Basic and Advanced Facials with use of Aromatherapy Oils – Aromatherapy Facial Massage – Body Massage – Shiatsu Pressure Points – Reflexology – Visual presentation of Aromatherapy Massage Techniques by leading International Aromatherapists – How to setup treatment room – Consultation Case and Client Analysis Sources / Availability of Essential Oils.